Finding Bainbridge

Finding Bainbridge

They say, you can take the girl out of the city, but you can’t take the city out of the girl. Manhattan was home for decades. Forty years of fierce loyalty to her virtues and vice. Forty years of being captive to and captivated by the kaleidoscopic decoupage that is...
Green Light Garage: The Motherboard

Green Light Garage: The Motherboard

Located in the dusty parking lot of the Green Light Garage which is situated at the innermost cradle of Eagle Harbor, is an old-timey billboard – next to a creek, behind a dumpster. But before we get to the billboard, let’s first consider the implausible...
Full Frontal Conversation

Full Frontal Conversation

It’s safe to say I’m a bit of a Chatty Cathy. I adore the art of conversation and believe dynamic conversation results from the meeting of active and curious minds. Every conversation is an invitation to know someone, learn, and feel something. The exchange of...